Blogs | Resources

Top 6 HR trends in 2020

Top 6 HR trends in 2020

As we are nearing the end of 2019 and embarking upon 2020, it is high time that we look at…

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Performance management strategies for millennials – from defining their goals to career development

Performance management strategies for millennials – from defining their goals to career development

It is estimated that by the year 2030, millennials will occupy 75% of the global workforce. As employers it is…

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The God of Small Things: How minor features like voiceMAGIC create a huge impact on employee experience?

The God of Small Things: How minor features like voiceMAGIC create a huge impact on employee experience?

112 million people, roughly equivalent to a third of the US population use voice technology every month. Voice search and…

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The art and science of valuing your employees to increase employee engagement

The art and science of valuing your employees to increase employee engagement

Just like in the title, we can see two sides to employee engagement: the art (creating engaging environments that are unique…

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How to create effective employee engagement at our workplace?

How to create effective employee engagement at our workplace?

Employee engagement is the cornerstone of every organization. Companies must work towards creating a people-centric culture and for that it is…

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Employee Engagement

8 Approaches to Successfully Implement Employee Engagement in your Organization

8 Approaches to Successfully Implement Employee Engagement in your Organization

Employee engagement is a fundamental practice in every organization that seeks to maintain the relationship of the employees with the…

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Why Measuring Employee Adherence to Your Company’s Core Values is So Important?

Why Measuring Employee Adherence to Your Company’s Core Values is So Important?

Core values are more than just words on paper; they’re often the defining fabric of the organization itself. Here are…

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Reasons to Invest in a Good Performance Management System

Reasons to Invest in a Good Performance Management System

Everyone, no matter what their role is within an organization, would agree that performance matters. So, it would make sense,…

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Co-Creation as New Work Culture in Performance Management

Co-Creation as New Work Culture in Performance Management

Earlier there was a vertical hierarchy in every organization. Command and control were the watch words. Naturally, the basis of…

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5 losses that hurt when you don't have rewards & recognition culture

5 Losses that hurt when you don’t have rewards & recognition culture

5 Losses that hurt when you don’t have rewards & recognition culture

 “People work for money but go the extra mile for recognition, praise and rewards.” –Dale Carnegie, Leadership Training Guru Everyone…

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Seven Simple Measures to Make Your Employees Really Engaged

Seven Simple Measures to Make Your Employees Really Engaged

In a magic cube, every face needs to be aligned and coordinated to complete the puzzle. Employee engagement, like a…

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Evolution to the 'Employees First' culture

Witness to the complete evolution: ‘Clients First’ to ‘Employees First’

Witness to the complete evolution: ‘Clients First’ to ‘Employees First’

A transformation that the corporate culture is currently undergoing: the ‘Employees First’ culture   “If you treat employees as if…

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Employee Performance Rating: Do we Keep it or Scrap it!

Employee Performance Rating: Do we Keep it or Scrap it!

Employee performance rating has become the modern day blasphemy in the corporate world. Fortune 500 companies have either scrapped or…

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Top 50 Problems people face with Performance Appraisals

Top 50 Problems people face with Performance Appraisals

(Some) 90 percent of performance appraisal processes are inadequate. – survey. In conversations with HR leaders and employees, the…

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Can Employees be rated like how OLA or UBER rates the performance of its drivers?

Can Employees be rated like how OLA or UBER rates the performance of its drivers?

Large multinationals like Accenture, Adobe, Microsoft are making waves by announcing that they are moving away from annual appraisals and…

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Apple did not suffer crisis after the death of Steve Jobs, because they had a Succession Plan – What is Succession Planning?

Apple did not suffer crisis after the death of Steve Jobs, because they had a Succession Plan – What is Succession Planning?

Succession planning is a contingency strategy that helps resolve uncertainties arising in an organization. Though the uncertainties cannot be predicted,…

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Kissing Good-Bye to Bell Curve based Performance Reviews – What does it really mean?

Kissing Good-Bye to Bell Curve based Performance Reviews – What does it really mean? There are several articles like the above on the net. Most of these articles elaborate the challenges…

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Why wait, when you can appreciate now?

Why wait, when you can appreciate now?

Organizations who spend so much of time to define ‘how’ and ‘why’ recognition should take place, often fail to address one another, yet very important dimension of “when” the recognition ought to be done. Thus all efforts spent towards the meticulous planning usually end up as a bad recognition plan and the positive outcomes sought after employee appreciations are never realized. Due to this many organizations who enthusiastically sought to derive recognition plans often loose their interest and the whole process silently withers away.

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4 Steps to bring Continuous Feedback Culture

4 Steps to bring Continuous Feedback Culture

Continuous improvement need not apply only for the Quality of a product or service but will also apply for human beings. Developing and Improving the quality of workforce is a key requirement for any organization. Continuous feedback is an important tool that helps people improve the quality of their team on an ongoing basis.

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Importance of 360 Degree Feedback

Importance of 360 Degree Feedback

It’s a common misunderstanding that 360 degree feedback is beneficial only for people in middle and senior management..

Employees have a lot to gain by soliciting and analyzing the feedback received from multiple people and using the insights to better themselves. The growth and development achieved with this process, will be more than the knowledge gained by reading books and blogs.

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Top 50 Problems with Performance Appraisals by Dr John Sullivan

Top 50 Problems with Performance Appraisals by Dr John Sullivan

(Some) 90 percent of performance appraisal processes are inadequate.” – survey.

In conversations with HR leaders and employees, the talent management process that suffers from the most disdain around the world is the performance appraisal. It’s one of the few processes that even the owners of the process dread.

If everyone hates it, but it still gets done nearly everywhere, you might assume some asinine government regulation requires it, but in this case there is no such regulation… Read More,,

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