Most teams have one difficult person who brings down the morale of the rest of the team members. The person might behave that way because of personal problems, dissatisfaction with work life, or even for fun. Managers should figure out the reason and treat the problem accordingly. This is a kind of issue that tests the manager’s leadership skill in handling it without affecting other team members.
“There’s a pattern of de-energizing, frustrating or putting down teammates. It’s not just that Joe is rude. The whole team suffers because of it,” says Christine Porath, an associate professor at Georgetown and the author of Mastering Civility: A Manifesto for the Workplace. The behavior of the difficult employee will have an adverse impact on productivity due to the hostile environment they create at the office or their frequent absenteeism.
Here a few ways to bring the difficult employee back on track or at least keep the performance of other employees unaffected.
1.You must confront them.
Continuous check-ins help in having frequent discussions with difficult employees. As a manager, try to understand their problem and suggest a solution. If the reason behind their behavior is some personal traumatic event or a family problem, arrange a counseling session with an expert and help them to overcome it.
In this pandemic, it is imperative for the managers to empathize with their teams and resolve the concerns of their employees. Many losses within and outside the family, and they are vulnerable at the moment which can affect their behavior at work. Leaders should be understanding and help them get back to their normal lives. It is tiring work but after all, we are humans, and we should help each other.
2. Deliver Honest Feedback.
Let them know the negative impact they create on their colleagues and also on the growth of the company. Porath suggests, “Most of the time people don’t realize that they’re as destructive as they are.” Making them realize might bring a change in their behavior if they did not act that way with negative intentions.
Beating around the bush or trying to escape the conversation will make the situation worse and the whole team will not be able to produce results. A manager plays a vital role in keeping the team together and profitable.
3. Invest in the right people.
Do not spend too much time managing the difficult employee. Then, other employees would feel disconnected. If you are a manager, you should maintain a balance between keeping the team stable and productive and also identifying the root issue of the difficult employee’s activities. Engaging the right people is important to keep the work going and meet the project deadlines, even when the difficult employees give lower productivity.
4. Guide the difficult employee in the right direction.
You should explain the consequences to the difficult employees if they keep up their de-energizing behavior. If the employee seems to understand his/her negative behavior, recommend him/her some personal development training programs and an opportunity to be on par with other employees. At work, mature behavior is always expected, but sometimes it is okay if someone errs. A 10-minute conversation can straighten things out.
5. Speak about the behavior.
When managers enter meetings with difficult employees, they tend to take out all their stresses on those employees. But a solution is born only when things are handled calmly. You should just explain their behavior and how it affects others. Do not criticize them as a person. And when you speak about their activities, depending on their response, you will know if that is done intentionally or due to personal challenges.
All you have to do is give them a chance and listen to what they have to say. If they regret it, then they deserve a second chance. If they do not, you will have to take the problem to the next level i.e, to the human resources and superiors. A tip to keep in your mind is, make sure to analyze that you do not act out of any kind of recency effect or first impression bias before confronting the person.
6. Document their behavior and responses.
If the employee behaves in a toxic way for fun or out of disrespect for the work they do, you will be left with no choice but to fire. In that case, have a detailed report of why and the steps you have taken. This will corroborate your decision to make the difficult employee leave the organization in front of the higher management. It could be a difficult choice but for the sake of the organization, you have to let them go.
Porath’s research on toxic employees and their incivility has revealed that “4% of people engage in this kind of behavior just because it’s fun and they believe they can get away with it.”
Leaders are the Guiding Stars
Leadership should be able to analyze the situation and take measures accordingly. Difficult employees are everywhere, and sometimes, understanding their psychology can help you to deal with them but remember, your primary focus should be the organization, and so invest the right amount of time to help them. And that is more than enough if the employee really desires to overcome his/her challenges.
Coach the other employees in how not to let the difficult employees affect their performance, morale, and team collaboration. Build good relationships with the team members to always know what is going on in the team and identifying the problems at an early stage.
The role of managers comes with great responsibility. They have to be ready to face any kind of work-related problems as we live in uncertain times. We cannot predict the predicaments but we can be prepared for them. Therefore, organizations should plan leadership training programs to create robust and objective leadership. These leaders are the ones that will be able to handle concerns effectively and ensure business continuity and growth even in unprecedented situations.