Our team, Synergita, has added an incredible chapter to its journey in the year 2020. We are exhilarated to announce our movement to a new location in Navalur. Our new location is just a few yards away from our old office, and it has many outstanding facilities. The new office has a synergetic effect on our excited team.
We are advancing together toward our common goal, sharing moments of joy, thrill, happiness, new experiences, and enthusiasm along the way. Now, we are at the end phase of settling in, and this would have been impossible without the constant support of our valued customers and splendid team.
We, a team of around 70, feel elated in this cozy office space. I am enthused to talk about the amenities in our new area.
Our new office is in an area where we can experience the liveliness and hubbub of common people once we step out of the building. There are many restaurants nearby with Andhra, South Tamil Nadu, Italian, and Chinese cuisines. Our tea breaks will be too interesting and enjoyable.
Synergita’s new open office workspace fosters employee engagement and collaborative teamwork. From now on, we need not to book a conference room for a 2-minute meeting. We have three areas with tables and comfortable chairs to have quick, casual meetings. Whenever we would like to have a formal and casual conversation with our team, we will use this exceptional space.

Training and conference rooms:
We have unique training and conference rooms. The training room is spacious and has a large projector screen that gives the trainees a theatre-like experience. Indeed, all the conference rooms have the same large-sized screens for better visibility and focus. The training room has a classroom kind of arrangement, and the conference rooms have long tables. The conference rooms also have telephone facilities and an internet connection to engage even remote and offshore employees.

Phone booth:
To speak without interruption, we have a room, which is imperviable to sound, with telephones to have an undisturbed conversation with clients and onshore teams. The room also has a dry erase marker board to take down important details during the conversation.
Entertainment area:
Synergita cares for its employees more than one thinks, and it makes a lot of positive difference in our work. We have a game area to relieve our stress. The entertainment place has a foosball game table and a carrom board. We love it and play at least one game a day. So, we do not feel too stressed, and we can relax without even leaving the office floor.

Food never stops to excite us, and hunger never lets us think. Synergita understood this very well and has provided us a pantry with a tea/coffee vending machine, a microwave oven, and a sandwich maker along with snacks. The interesting aspect is that the entertainment room is right next to the pantry. What more could we ask for!

This is a great start for us, and we have planned our goals and expectations for this new year. We thank our management and the facilities team who worked hard to give us this amazing setup.
Join our Synergita family to experience the quality work of the happy us.

Wish you all a year of growth and development along with abundant happiness!!!!!!!