Blogs | Resources

The God of Small Things: How minor features like voiceMAGIC create a huge impact on employee experience?

The God of Small Things: How minor features like voiceMAGIC create a huge impact on employee experience?

112 million people, roughly equivalent to a third of the US population use voice technology every month. Voice search and…

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5 losses that hurt when you don't have rewards & recognition culture

5 Losses that hurt when you don’t have rewards & recognition culture

5 Losses that hurt when you don’t have rewards & recognition culture

 “People work for money but go the extra mile for recognition, praise and rewards.” –Dale Carnegie, Leadership Training Guru Everyone…

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Seven Simple Measures to Make Your Employees Really Engaged

Seven Simple Measures to Make Your Employees Really Engaged

In a magic cube, every face needs to be aligned and coordinated to complete the puzzle. Employee engagement, like a…

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Employee Performance Rating: Do we Keep it or Scrap it!

Employee Performance Rating: Do we Keep it or Scrap it!

Employee performance rating has become the modern day blasphemy in the corporate world. Fortune 500 companies have either scrapped or…

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