Blogs | Resources

Performance management strategies for millennials – from defining their goals to career development

Performance management strategies for millennials – from defining their goals to career development

It is estimated that by the year 2030, millennials will occupy 75% of the global workforce. As employers it is…

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The God of Small Things: How minor features like voiceMAGIC create a huge impact on employee experience?

The God of Small Things: How minor features like voiceMAGIC create a huge impact on employee experience?

112 million people, roughly equivalent to a third of the US population use voice technology every month. Voice search and…

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Why Measuring Employee Adherence to Your Company’s Core Values is So Important?

Why Measuring Employee Adherence to Your Company’s Core Values is So Important?

Core values are more than just words on paper; they’re often the defining fabric of the organization itself. Here are…

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Seven Simple Measures to Make Your Employees Really Engaged

Seven Simple Measures to Make Your Employees Really Engaged

In a magic cube, every face needs to be aligned and coordinated to complete the puzzle. Employee engagement, like a…

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Evolution to the 'Employees First' culture

Witness to the complete evolution: ‘Clients First’ to ‘Employees First’

Witness to the complete evolution: ‘Clients First’ to ‘Employees First’

A transformation that the corporate culture is currently undergoing: the ‘Employees First’ culture   “If you treat employees as if…

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Employee Performance Rating: Do we Keep it or Scrap it!

Employee Performance Rating: Do we Keep it or Scrap it!

Employee performance rating has become the modern day blasphemy in the corporate world. Fortune 500 companies have either scrapped or…

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Top 50 Problems people face with Performance Appraisals

Top 50 Problems people face with Performance Appraisals

(Some) 90 percent of performance appraisal processes are inadequate. – survey. In conversations with HR leaders and employees, the…

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Can Employees be rated like how OLA or UBER rates the performance of its drivers?

Can Employees be rated like how OLA or UBER rates the performance of its drivers?

Large multinationals like Accenture, Adobe, Microsoft are making waves by announcing that they are moving away from annual appraisals and…

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