8 Benefits of Employee Engagement Software

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Effective Communication
  3. Higher Performance
  4. Increased Productivity
  5. Saves a Lot of Time and Efforts
  6. Lower Absenteeism
  7. Lower Employee Turnover
  8. Brand Positioning in Talent Market
  9. Happy Customers
  10. Conclusion


Have you heard an employee ever say, even be it your employee or your family, “I love my job. This place is great. I would love to contribute more and innovate by learning?” If yes, then, that company leverages the right strategies in increasing employee engagement, even while working remotely.

The organizations have realized something crucial in this pandemic period, i.e., technology keeps them going and helps them to thrive, no matter where they work from. And so, many companies are digitizing their business operations and processes. But how could they leave behind employee engagement as it slowly began affecting the employees’ productivity?

Therefore, business experts within organizations recommend the management to adopt tech tools in such a way that they engage the employees and also adopt new tools that can enhance the overall employee experience regardless of the working model.

Here are 8 benefits of Implementing an effective employee engagement platform like Synergita, which is also a cloud-based innovative performance management software.

Effective Communication

According to Gallup, 65% of remote millennial workers and 61% of regular office-going millennial workers who strongly agree that their “immediate supervisor keeps me informed about what is going on in my organization” are engaged.

In Synergita, there are features like continuous check-ins, 360 degree feedback, goal-setting, etc. that enables effective communication between the managers and the team members. Continuous check-ins ensure that the concerns of the employees reach the managers through regular conversations.

360 degree feedback builds a good rapport among the team members, where they can anonymously send feedback to their peers. This helps an employee to learn his/her strengths and weaknesses, which become harder to learn in other means of communication. Even the managers receive feedback on their leadership.

When it comes to goal-setting, powerful frameworks such as OKR and SMART goals take the inputs of employees before finalizing the individual and team objectives. These features enhance the employee experience by incorporating engaging digital processes in the employees’ everyday work lives.

As a result, the engaged workforce, who have guidance and direction from their superiors, communicate better and open up their ideas and concerns to others, which will eventually lead to the exponential growth of the organization.

Higher Performance

Reports suggest that companies with a highly engaged workforce are 21% more profitable when compared to companies with not-so-engaged employees. And, one of the reasons behind the engagement is cloud-based tools that suit the modern needs of the tech-savvy millennial workforce.

Have you heard of sentiment analysis? This is an interesting feature in effective employee engagement software. Whenever a manager or an employee provides feedback, the Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the help of Natural Language Processing (NLP) analyze the sentiments of the sender’s words and send comments on whether it is negative, neutral, or constructive.

As a result, employees would always receive constructive feedback that would help them to improve themselves. They will never be discouraged, and they will have chances to right the wrong and improve their performance.

Relevant Product: Employee Engagement Software

Demo Link: Employee Engagement Software Demo

Increased Productivity

Employee engagement surveys can be done frequently using employee engagement software. With the data analytics report from the survey, leaders can identify what disengages an employee. Most of the time, engagement is directly proportional to productivity.

If that is identified and resolved, an employee’s productivity rate would increase double-fold. Besides, through anonymous surveys and feedback processes, upward communication is enabled. That is, the voice of the employees is heard by the management. The most important thing for the surveys to be successful is that the managers should take action to address the issues put forward by the employees.

Saves a Lot of Time and Effort! THE BEST THING

HRs and managers are really exhausted from the mundane administrative works that they have to deal with every day. A digital employee engagement platform is a boon to them as they can automate the entire process, and focus on more important and productive tasks.

For instance, the software has a lot of survey templates, from which HRs can choose. They need not calculate everything from a process, robust dashboards just like those that are in Synergita will help HRs and managers get required data about the workforce from one place. The progress in the goal-setting process and achievements can be tracked.

Therefore, trailblazing employee engagement software like Synergita engages employees with its extraordinary user interface and also plays the role of an HR’s assistant by providing deep insights and data on employee engagement.

Lower Absenteeism

With the engaging goal-setting frameworks and feedback sessions, employees feel accountable for their work, and also, they start loving the work because of the inspiring workplace, which cares a lot for them. Consequently, the employees would start taking leaves when they are absolutely necessary.

And, what is the impact of such action?

Lower Absenteeism and improved quality.

Employees would show up for work every single day as they have now taken responsibility for their work. That would even motivate them to do more. When they see results of their own hard work and responsibility-taking, their morale would catapult.

Lower Employee Turnover

Who would want to leave a company that cherishes its employees? A Synergita employee recently said, “I would never leave the company for the next 3 to 4 years. Because I always needed a peaceful workplace, where I can exercise my creative freedom, and a perfect work-life balance. I have that here and also a lot of learning.” Isn’t this what every company needs? To decrease its employee turnover rate.

Adopting and implementing effective employee engagement software can work miracles for you. The proof is around you. Every company that has made big says the same.

Brand Positioning in Talent Market

The positioning of a company’s brand in the talent market is highly significant as the modern workforce does not choose a company just based on the salary. The other important factors that influence their decision include culture, work-life balance, goals of the company, and other benefits. An engaging culture gives out a positive aura to the candidates applying to the company.

With a robust cloud-based employee engagement platform, the company can position itself as a brand that values its employees and their work through streamlined and employee-centric business operations and processes.

Happy Customers

Research reveals that engaged employees increase the customer satisfaction rate by providing extraordinary service. Humans have always reflected their mindset in their work, and an engaged workforce reflects how satisfied they are with their jobs through an outstanding service to the customers.

The customer satisfaction and retention rates would increase if there is employee engagement software.


Hence, these are the benefits of having innovative employee engagement software in place in a company. The profits will increase, and the employees also will have the perfect work culture that they have always dreamt of. Here is the chance to create an amazing employee engagement platform for your employees. Reach out to us today.

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