Digital Transformation In Employee Engagement Without Losing Personalization

Isn’t it horrifying to think about the beginning of 2020? 

Who would ever forget that technology was and is the savior of businesses in these tough times? 

But hasn’t the pandemic taught us a big lesson? We should be prepared for any kind of business environment and that is only possible with the help of technology and digitization. 

Let’s recall what happened during the initial times. Since the lockdown was imposed across the globe, all the businesses came to a standstill. One cannot deny the fact that almost all business leaders were under a lot of pressure thinking about their next step for the next few days.  

That is when the IT sector went remote. All the employees were sent home, and an office setup was given at home to enable work from home for business sustainability. For companies that could not afford such a setup requested the employees to work from their personal laptops. Eventually, other industries too followed suit.  

But the manufacturing sector took a great hit as they cannot do production without the physical presence of their workforce. So, they had to remain shut till the next announcement of Governments. 

However, the business leaders and HR department have to quickly formulate new strategies, recreate workflows, and reassign tasks to stay relevant to then business scenario. And, technology came in handy to resolve almost all of their predicaments by assuring seamless workflow even while employees working remote.  

As a result, the digital transformation of workplaces was accelerated, and many organizations started adopting more trailblazing software that would help them to manage performance, ensure seamless HR processes, set OKRs, handle projects, etc., from anywhere.  

As days went by, the next problem arose. More employees, without human touch, felt isolated and disengaged, which had a greater impact on their productivity. Initially, things seemed great but eventually, that all had changed due to the effect of a prolonged new normal and work environment. 

Thus, HR had to bring in digital transformation in employee engagement. They adopted digital ways to keep their employees motivated and also realized hyper-personalization is the key.  

This incident has been recounted to remind businesses to be prepared for every situation by digitizing their processes and systems. 

How to digitize the employee engagement process with personalization? 

Personalized development programs 

Giving individual attention to employees by recommending customized training programs and development plans helps in personalizing the employee experience. Employee personalization activities are especially a must-have when employees are working from elsewhere.  

Most millennials are going after learning more than pay in their initial stages. If they see a company caring for an employee’s professional development, they would readily for the suitable openings. That way, the company can also attract the best talents in the industry. 

Effective performance management and employee engagement software send frequent reminders to managers and superiors when it is time for them to recommend development plans. Of course, this process happens after a deep professional discussion between the employer and the employee.  

And so, the managers would know what program would suit a particular employee, and recommend the same to them using a digital tool, which is very helpful in organizations that have decided to move completely remote.  

One-to-One Communication 

The employees, even while working from the office or home, might feel disengaged if the employers do not pay the right attention or do not even bother to ask if there is anything that concerns them. That is because, companies use a traditional approach to performance management, where meeting employees happens only once a year.  

Many companies are moving away from the old school performance management method and adopting frequent one-to-one communication through continuous check-ins. Right employee engagement tools can help in conducting these one-to-one meetings seamlessly and also record the conversation summary for future reference.   

Work processes 

Digitizing the performance management system, employee engagement process, and recruiting and onboarding does not make you lose touch with your employees but brings in more situations to communicate with your employees. Effective tools support personalization but only if the users know how to use it to the fullest, it would produce results.  

Sending emails through Synergita’s e-communication tool helps you to categorize employees based on their designation, location, employee level, age, etc., and communicate the message accordingly.  

Hyper-personalization can also be done by HR by developing powerful development plans for each individual based on his/her customized reports and analytics through their performance in achieving the goals and effective communication with managers and other stakeholders.  

Personalization improves employee engagement and enhances the employee experience.  

Rewards and recognition 

Last week, at Synergita, an employee from the support team received appreciation from her manager for resolving a complicated issue of a client. However, she was working from home, and it is difficult for others to know even if her efforts were lauded. So, the manager took it to the social digital wall used by only the employees of the company to praise her.  

So, everyone knew. The employee also felt happy. Consequently, she would become more engaged in her work and produce great results. Did you notice that the employee engagement software has made the rewards and recognition plan completely digital and also with maintaining the personalization? That is how things should go for businesses to develop and reach the leading position.  

Effective Performance Management and Engagement Software is All You Need to Adopt Digital Transformation in Employee Engagement Without Losing Personalization 

The software should consist of the following features to keep the employees engaged and motivated. Remember! Happy employees enhance the customer experience and increase the customer satisfaction rate. Now, let’s look at the features required in a cloud tool to keep the employees engaged. 

  1. Goal-setting (SMART goals or OKR) 
  2. Continuous Check-ins 
  3. 360 degree feedback 
  4. Rewards and recognition 
  5. Employee engagement surveys 
  6. Custom reports and analytics 

The use of technology makes the work quicker for both the employees and employers and also can have records that they can refer to whenever they lack guidance and direction. Choosing the right software for your needs makes all the difference.

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