Trick or treating!!! Who wouldn’t love that? But we are old enough to go from house to house to do that. Yeah, we are now office goers. We should be waiting for kids to knock on our doors. But if you’re a manager or a department head, why don’t you make your employees revisit their childhood days by organizing some cool events that can take them back to their golden period. Is working from home really an obstacle? It is easier to make the most of it using the help of advanced technology. Celebrating Halloween virtually will sound like an amazing idea to your workforce. Go ahead and do it.
In this blog, you can find some enjoyable virtual events that you arrange for your teams.
Have Costume Time in Your List of Events
In our office, when things were normal, we all used to dress like a pretty monster, a scary woman, or a hell boy to look terrific. But do you think it is not possible now because your employees are far away from one another? You know the way; the virtual Zoom or Teams meeting can help you. Ask your employees to dress in a creepy way and announce a gift for the winner who looks the scariest. The employees will be excited and make them collaborate more with their peers to prepare for the competition.
You can even make it a team event or a family event by having a theme and asking every team or family to dress accordingly.

Spooky Invites to all Employees
Create a spooky invite card and send it to all your employees. The online invite cards should send chills down the spines of all your employees. It might be a bit exaggerating but spooky cards can at least spark excitement within every employee. The employees will be thrilled to attend the celebration. The cards should contain all the elements of a Halloween and should have spooky words to bring the mood of Halloween.
How about Dexter Kozen’s words on your card.

Carve Jack O Lanterns; The best Carved Pumpkin Wins
What is Halloween without carved pumpkins! Let your employees flaunt their carving skills on the online celebration. If pumpkins are not available, turnips or potatoes will also do. Ask your employees to carve it in the scariest way and the creepiest one wins. You can plan some gift cards or bonuses in hair-raising designs. This celebration is one way of engaging your employees. This is a direct message to your employees, which says that you care for your employees’ well-being and happiness.

Streaming of a Scary Movie and Horror Quiz
Watching a movie together virtually with online chat enabled. That sounds too cool and enjoyable, right? Choose the best horror movie and the one that isn’t already watched by your employees. Watch it together and conduct a quiz on that movie. But do not have any winners for this session as the focus should be on enjoyment. The quiz is just to start a discussion on the movie. Therefore, make sure to have tricky questions in your quiz, “Who was the main protagonist in the ‘Scream’ series?

Terrifying and Scary Virtual Background
If the Halloween celebration isn’t virtual, we all would have decorated our bay with spider webs, skeletons, horns, etc. As it is not possible now, why don’t we try decorating our background virtually? Zoom app allows us to decorate the background and there are also various other tools to do that. Therefore, ask your employees to do so to see their creativity and their excitement in looking at one another’s background. (This will also help them to learn a few tools ?)
Make this Halloween the best one with the available resources and a plethora of ideas on the internet. This is also a great opportunity to engage employees and show them that you truly care for them. This Halloween might or might not ward off the evil spirits but you will definitely scare isolation and make it run away. Keep your employees together and motivated.