HR Challenges in Sustaining Employee Engagement for the Remote Workforce

Top business executives proclaim that their top business priority in the upcoming years will be enhancing employee experience and increasing employee engagement rate. The remote workers’ aloofness is definitely a challenge to the HR department as it would take a great toll on productivity and performance. However, an effective performance management system can help HRs to improve the communication within the organization and promote team collaboration.

The isolated work environment is not the only concern of Human resources but also the vanishing line between the personal and professional lives because it affects the work-life balance of an individual and his/her mental well-being. The pandemic has brought in a lot of unseen and unpredictable challenges to the HR department in transitioning the workforce from office to home. In addition to that, keeping the workforce engaged and motivated becomes a herculean task as no organization was prepared or trained for this kind of impact in the business sphere.

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