Employee expectations have changed. Market requirements have changed. So, good old arm-chair administration will not win hereafter. We cannot mechanically plan, monitor and review the performance any longer. Some unconventional and ultra modern methods must be used for effective performance management through employee empowerment.
Pitting an employee against another is an old and crude practice. Instead, we must implement scale goal execution across the organization. This method is successfully followed by SAP Jam’s 21 million subscribers. Marriott International and Cargill also follow this method.
Goal Sharing
Earlier, same goal or similar goal was separately tried by different persons. Naturally, their performance was compared and contrasted. So, the concept of the best employee or the worst employee crept in. The slogan was you or me. If the goal is personal, this slogan cannot be avoided. When the goal is common, the slogan must be, Let us do it together. In other words, personal goals can be separately contested. But common goal must be collectively achieved. For this collective achievement, sharing of goals is very much necessary.
In a boxing match, two fighters have two different coaches. In a shared goal situation, the same coach can guide both persons because the goal is common to both. Even if there are more mentors, they never work at cross purposes. In fact, mentors also share their coaching goals. Modern technology is very useful in scale access. Both the trainer and the trainee benefit in this process.
Friendly Learning
Many employees are allergic to formal learning. Some do not like the formal training. In such a case, the slogan must be, let us learn from our friends in a friendly way. Churchill says that he learnt more in the university canteens than in the university classrooms. Very often his classmates were more instructive, more interesting and more enlightening than his professors. So, peer-to-peer learning must be encouraged.
Thus goal-sharing, modern coaching and friendly learning can empower the employees in an effective manner.