A list of articles, books, and resources to help you master OKR

Objective and Key Results (OKR) is a goal-setting methodology that industry-leading enterprises have leveraged to drive innovation and growth. It can often be intimidating to adopt a new process within your enterprise. Getting started can be tricky if you’re looking for the best way to learn more about OKRS and eventually master them. That’s why we’ve put together a list of ten articles, books, and resources so you can understand the OKR system and how it could be successfully implemented in your enterprise.

Articles that explain OKRs

1. Objectives & Key Results (OKR) – A Beginners Guide To Setting Goals In The Workplace by Steve Pritchard

This article is an excellent choice for novices looking for information about OKRs. It gives an overview of what they are, what they’re used for, and why they work so well for many different businesses and organizations worldwide and will work just as well with yours.

2. Goal Setting Framework: Everything You Need to Know – datalligence.ai

This article covers the various methodologies you can implement to set goals. It gives you an overview of different techniques you can use to get started with your goals and the actions you can take to implement them. Since well-defined and clear goals are a major component of the OKRs, this article will help you create a strategy for setting goals in your enterprise.

3. 10 Hacks on How to Implement Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) Successfully – datalligence.net

This article covers best practices you can use when implementing OKRS in your enterprise. It offers helpful tips covering all stages of the OKR process, so you can be empowered to implement OKRs confidently.

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Books on OKRs

4. The Beginner’s Guide to OKR by Felipe Castro

This book is excellent for beginners and provides a simple explanation of the basic components of OKR. Enterprises keen to enhance employee engagement and performance will have to start somewhere, and gathering knowledge is the first step, making this book a great starting point as it is written with novices in mind.

5. How Google Sets Goals: OKRs by John Doerr

This book by John Doerr gives an in-depth look at how Google uses OKRs to set goals for its employees. It also explains how they use them to track progress over time, which is extremely important for companies that want to see results from their employees.

6. Objectives And Key Results – Defining Goals For Successful Business Management by Richard Walmsley

This book was written specifically with managers in mind to learn how to successfully use OKRs within their organizations or teams within larger enterprises. This book can help set effective top-down OKRs and enable your managers to understand how OKRs can be utilized within your enterprise.

7. Radical Focus: Achieving Your Most Important Goals with OKRs by Christina Wodtke

This book has the unique premise of explaining OKR concepts with a fictional story. If you have difficulty understanding dense technical writing, this book is a great alternative as it is not only educational but also entertaining.

There’s an interesting interview with Christina Wodtke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VY7B3jeaEOE

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Other resources on OKR

8. Giant Talk – an OKR Podcast

Giant Talk is the world’s first OKR podcast – https://www.therebegiants.com/podcast/

Giant Talk provides regular weekly podcasts that dive into the OKR methodology, focusing on the stories of success and the challenges of growing enterprises.

9. OKR Webinars – Weekdone

If you are a visual learner, Weekdone’s OKR webinars are an excellent resource for learning about OKRs. They have regular webinars that touch upon various themes regarding OKRs, such as “Writing Inspiring OKRs that Nurture Creativity and Bring Innovation” and “The Management Process of OKRs: How to Actually Setup and Run Them?”

Click here for one of the webinars:

10. Why the Secret to Success is Setting the Right Goals- A TED Talk by John Doerr

As one of the pioneers of successfully leveraging the OKR methodology, John Doerr shares his insights and experience in this TED talk that is sure to leave an impression and educate you on the subtleties of the OKR methodology. Here’s the link to hear John Doerr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4N1q4RNi9I

Wrapping up

This list has been compiled with some of the best resources you can use to learn more about the OKR methodology. Experts can learn as much as novices can, and enterprises can transition to a new performance management process for enhanced employee engagement.

Here are a few other links you can look up:

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