6 steps for Successful Core Value Implementation

What are the Core Values?

Values, Behaviors & attitudes define the organization culture. Core Values are nothing but beliefs, based on which companies determine their business path, goal, strategy and decisions.

The impact of core value for a company will be the same as they do for a family.

Basically, core values are intrinsic and are defined by the leaders of the company also it is important that they should pay special attention to it. They need not be specific to industry segments.

Creating the right marketing strategy and hiring the best employees alone won’t allow your business to grow. If you want to be great in business, you need to give importance to core values as well.

Here is a step by step guide to set core values.

Step 1: Identify the current culture of the company.

You need to evaluate the current organizational culture. Your belief about the business and what it actually represents are two different perspectives. Hence checking the reviews about your company is important.

You can also ask your employees and customers directly so that you can get a clear understanding of where your company stands currently.  Surveys, focus group, vendors will help you to get a clear picture of culture-induced effectiveness.

Step 2: Revisit your present Strategic Plan.

If there is a business, there will always be a strategic plan in place. Usually, this strategic plan will be created after careful consideration and futuristic.

Brainstorming session with your employees helps to identify how relevant and effective is your culture in the growth path.  Also deep dive to discover the cultural impact in revenue, production and growth plans.

Step 3: Mind the organizational culture

By this step, you would already have a clear idea of the current organizational culture of your company. So now you need to find the tools to achieve it effectively.

Also, do research whether your current values need a shift to be in line with the culture. From the surveys, brainstorming sessions, research results that were done in the previous steps you can decide if the values are going to help you to achieve your goals

Step 4: Selecting the Values

By now you would have collected enough data to choose and finalize the most relevant core values.

  • Values always come with a cost. Make sure you evaluate the cost before implementing the statement.
  • Employees will not follow the values if it doesn’t have any purpose. Even the customers won’t prefer your products if your product and services don’t have a strong value.
  • Don’t be in a hurry. The process will take some time and teamwork is the best way to decide the core values.
  • Be careful with the summary heading. It should be easy to remember.
  • Values should be parallel with the company’s culture. Culture is determined in the first place for this reason.
  • An action plan should set alongside to avoid bottlenecks and overheads.

Step 5: Strategy and Meaning

Now you have to define the meaning for value and plan a strategy to introduce the values to the employees.

As a leader, when you introduce the core values you should explain it clear and specific and also the honor that comes along with the introduction of these values should be communicated well. This can be achieved only if there is a properly defined meaning for each of the core values.

Step 6: Going live!

Use the devised plan to integrate the core values in company processes without any loose end.

Make sure the core value is visible to the employees always rather than be hidden in the handbook.

Introducing the core values to the new joiners is easy than with the existing employees. Introduce orientation programs and training sessions to imbibe organizational core values.  Keep revisiting the values until it becomes muscle memory.

Simple tools available in the market help you check how employees adhere to the company core values. These tools help measure the value adherence of individual employees as well as to identify which employee groups excels or need more training. You can try Synergita Core Values Rating mobile app to measure and preserve your company core values and work culture.

Right core values form a strong foundation for the company. It will do wonders in the company’s performance. Although this implementation of core values is a slow and demanding process, the impact in the culture will be tremendous.

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