Every company is coming up with new strategies for employee performance management to build a high-performance company culture to cut down employee attrition rates. Imagine investing so much on your brand image only to realize that you have a toxic workplace culture. If your employees complain about unethical rules and regulations and a management that is not encouraging them to give their best, then these factors can seriously negate the goodwill of the brand.
This is exactly where building a high-performance culture comes into play. There are some companies that have no rules or hierarchy, but some companies follow the traditional hierarchy in the workplace. Therefore, let us first discuss what defines a high-performance culture? A high-performance culture is the very foundation of any organization. It is closely associated with a company’s workplace culture. But why is a high-performing company culture important in the first place?
The first thing often employees notice before starting their career is the workplace culture. Therefore, they examine a lot of things such as, “Am I looking forward to come to this place every day?”. So, this is the first thing they look for in prospective employers while they are on job hunting. Therefore, let us discuss a few elements on creating a high-performance company culture:
Key Elements for Building a High-Performance Company Culture:
A shift in mindset
The very factor that determines a great company culture is the willingness of leaders to change their mindset. It is always better to step out of our comfort zone in order to focus more on growth and innovation.
Gauging employee pulse
You need to understand the one thing that makes employees stay at your organization. What gets them excited apart from getting a good salary.
Team collaboration
This is a very important step in creating a high-performance culture. Without people backing up each other in times of crisis, it is impossible to boost employee performance and productivity. The key is to work together and value each other’s inputs.
Empowering employees
As a leader, it is important that you motivate your employees by empowering them. You can empower your employees by fostering creativity and encourage them to be innovative. Give them challenging achievable targets and let them act upon it.
Being accountable
As a leader, you need to hold your employees accountable. Let your employees take ownership for their roles and responsibilities.
Working to be better
Leaders must motivate their employees to work to be better. Employees must be made to feel like striving for the greatest and improving their performance. Then employees must also be able to measure their progress.
Let them have control
If you want your business to thrive, then you must take care of your employees. And how will you take care of your employees? By giving them what they value the most: autonomy. Since we discussed earlier about empowering employees, the best way to empower them is by letting them have control over their goals. When they have some autonomy over their lives, it would gradually improve their experience and they will be motivated to perform better.
Communicate your values
Values define your company. I would rather say they are the bedrock of any high performing company culture. Defining your values to your employees will drive the appropriate attitude amongst employees. Their performance and behavior are very much driven by the values that you communicate to them. Therefore, values count for the overall success of the company.
Encourage optimism
One way to add value to your company culture is by encouraging optimism in employee attitude. You must create an “I can do it” attitude. In addition to that, you can always motivate your employees by rewarding them for the values that they have adhered to. Motivation in terms of giving them challenging goals and assignments will drive their performance and encourage them to do better. This also increases their self-esteem.
Transparency in communication
Companies must ensure that there is transparency in communication. You must always have an open conversation with your employees and keep them updated about the company. You must also ensure that this communication is free of individual subjectivities and biases.
Encourage decision-making
As a leader, you might find it necessary to make all the important decisions for your employees. Your employees will always trust you with those decisions no matter what. But sometimes, it is better to loop your employees when it comes to decision-making process where they are involved directly or indirectly.
Continuous feedback
Companies must create a culture of continuous feedback and communication in order to foster better leadership and team development. But then it is also important to train your employees on how to give and receive feedback and how to give constructive feedback to employees. Feedback that is constructive tends to boost employee performance.
On one hand when perks and incentives are important in an organization, it is always best to go one step beyond it and think about what motivates your employees to stay at work. A few ways you can motivate them is by giving them enough opportunities for career growth, recognition for their work, transparency in communication, zero biases, giving them a sense of purpose and better leadership strategies. Now that we have given all strategies, let us know about your ideas to create a high-performance culture.