Performance management processes have transformed across generations and this post discusses how performance management is conducted in organizations today. This is not about how well baby boomers and Gen Xers can accommodate the feedback-hungry millennial generation. Employee performance management is a process by which, an organization tries to ensure the high-performance of an employee through a set of activities and ensure that employee goals have been fulfilled efficiently. The main aim of performance management is not just to deliver business results through high performance, but also nurture employees to grow professionally.

It helps your organization to get better results from your employees because it involves everyone along with planned goals, standards and competency requirements. This post also discusses how each generation understands performance management.
According to their own differing values, perspectives and comfort level with receiving feedback. For instance, baby boomers are accustomed to workplaces where the only performance feedback they get is in terms of good reviews and bad reviews. The feedback is not oriented towards employee growth. Gen Xers treat performance management to be a confidential process where they receive informal comments from senior leaders. Millennials expect to receive feedback more frequently, whereas Gen Zers are eager to receive feedback daily.