There are ideally different ways to interpret our concept of peopleMAGIC™. We were looking for historical events, theories, great sayings, etc. to relate it to our peopleMAGIC™ theory, it was then we landed at Buddha’s 8 rights. Do you wonder what Synergita’s peopleMAGIC™ is? This simple blog outlines how Synergita brings Buddha’s 8 rights into an organization and creates peopleMAGIC™.

Vision of the nature of reality and the path of transformation
How Synergita can bring it into an organization?
So far you would have had unclear, uncertain performance reviews, appraisal cycles, etc. With Synergita, performance management itself becomes completely transparent, real-time void of errors or uncertainties.
Liberating emotional intelligence in your life and acting from love and compassion. An informed heart and feeling mind that is free to practice letting go
How Synergita can bring it into an organization?
Employees are not machines but human beings. Synergita helps organizations to treat employees just right. Feedback mechanism, employee engagement and motivation activities, rewards system in Synergita make employees feel they are cared.
Clear, truthful, uplifting and non-harmful communication
How Synergita can bring it into an organization?
Synergita helps you make effective manager-employee, peer-to-peer communication that resolves work place concerns and issues. Communication can be giving feedback, sending appreciation notes, suggestions on areas of improvements, etc. A job well done, when praised makes an employee feel uplifted. Synergita makes it constructive at the same time problem addressing and solving.
An ethical foundation for life based on the principle of non-exploitation of oneself and others
How Synergita can bring it into an organization?
Synergita helps employees to unleash their real potential. Their talents will never go latent. Synergita will help you identify every individual’s skills & competencies. With such details, employees cannot exploit one another. With Synergita, every employee’s performances are captured and the best are rewarded.
This is a livelihood based on correct action the ethical principal of non-exploitation. The basis of an Ideal society
How Synergita can bring it into an organization?
Employees are looking for a non-exploiting work environment that is motivating and at the same time uplifting. Synergita brings about a peaceful work environment for employees with opportunities for professional growth and self-growth.
Consciously directing our life energy to the transformative path of creative and healing action that fosters wholeness. Conscious evolution
How Synergita can bring it into an organization?
Evolution has been happening ever since mankind evolved or even before. There is also evolution taking place among employees (ie) different types of employees. Today’s organizations are coupled with multi-generational employee base. There is no more “one size fits all” concept. Synergita fosters wholeness being compatible with both organization and the employees.
Developing awareness. Levels of Awareness and mindfulness – of things, oneself, feelings, thought, people and reality
How Synergita can bring it into an organization?
Synergita elevates organization’s performances by making the leadership team aware of what is happening within the organization. Synergita brings about real occurrences within each team and reveals accurate performance results of every employee.
Literally means to be fixed, absorbed in or established at one point
How Synergita can bring it into an organization?
Synergita helps employees to focus on their career and make progress throughout their professional journey. Synergita enables employees to add a completely whole new set of skills and expertise to their already existing skills list and help them to develop into future leaders.