Make Employee Appraisal Simple and Stress-Free for HRs and Managers

Historically, performance appraisals were always dreaded by employees and the HR departments. HR managers had to go through a time-consuming process that was long-winded and convoluted. Employees dreaded it because they felt their compensation and promotions depended on the results of the appraisal. While it was an annual process, the period leading to it and until the appraisals letters were sent were stressful. However, organizations can’t do away with performance appraisals as it is the only way for employers to get an insight into the employee’s performance and their commitment to the organization. Moreover, it allows organizations to improve their employee retention rates.

Undoubtedly, performance management is vital to the organization. But, an annual appraisal does not fully serve the purpose, i.e., evaluating employee performance against a set of parameters established by the organization. The yearly assessment focused more on performance closer to the appraisal date. Fortunately, modern appraisal systems have emerged to make the process simple and effective. Here are a few pointers to make employee appraisal processes stress-free.


A simple approach would include the basic parameters, a calendar with due dates, organizational and employee objectives, employee survey forms, and feedback. Using automated software to initiate the process will save time and effort from HR and ensure that appraisals are streamlined.


Two-way communication is essential throughout employee appraisal processes because it allows transparency and clarity. Employees need to know what is expected of them and what they need to achieve. Honest conversation builds trust among employees and earns their loyalty to the organization. A lack of clarity at the outset will lead to confusion and cause anxiety among the employees and HR.

Also Read: Employee Performance Review Templates for Performance Appraisal


Frequent and continuous feedback is essential to enhanced employee engagement. The older once-a-year feedback lacked accuracy because it covered only the more recent performance. Immediate feedback is more effective as it helps employees course-correct if necessary. It also increases the possibility of regular mentorship from the manager. A continuous cycle of feedback, aided by HR providing timelines and facilitating one-on-one meetings with the employees, can go a long way to ensure that the feedback occurs throughout the year.

Feed forward instead of Feedback

Evaluating a year’s worth of performance in one shot is not fair to the employee or to the manager. While managers can set measurable goals for the year, there should be clear milestones along the way. Meeting employees at regular intervals will help track their progress and ensure that they meet their goals at each level. It allows managers to step in and redirect if needed. This aspect is closely linked to continuous feedback. In both cases, employees get the required support and guidance, and managers don’t feel overwhelmed at the end of the year.

Use Technology

Using technology to streamline the appraisal process has become the norm. Today’s organization depends on automation technology to ensure that no time is wasted and the data is accurate. Having the software send out regular alerts and reminders to ensure that all involved in the appraisal process stay on top of it. There are no delays, and the entire team moves forward aligned to the organizational goals. When reviews and feedback are frequent and in real-time, the cycle is well documented and logged for future reference.

Whatever the process, the onus usually rests on HR managers to ensure that it is followed as per specific guidelines. Ideally, it should start with meaningful conversations with managers so that they are clear on timelines and how the new automation-enabled approach will be executed. For instance,

  • Train the managers in the software. Managers must recognize the value of all aspects of the modern performance appraisal process. Instead of resenting the increased frequency of feedback, they will appreciate the fact that the software will take the manual work off their hands.
  • Communicate to the employees on what the software aims to do and how it will help them stay on track towards meeting their individual goals and the organization’s goals.

Performance appraisals can be stressful. But, they don’t have to be. A simple and user-friendly software solution with automation reduces HR’s administrative tasks and ensures that the entire process is approached holistically. It covers the gamut from setting OKRs to steering the course of the organization through to meeting goals as expected. When HR teams can adopt modern solutions that ease the appraisal process, they can focus on employee engagement, including reward programs, learning, development, and more.

Also Read: Most Common Mistakes and Errors Made in Performance Appraisals

Also Read: Top Methods for Employee Performance Evaluation and Appraisal

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