Synergita’s reminder email feature significantly reduces appraisal time!

One major pain-point in a performance appraisal is to get people to complete the appraisals on time!  HR manager would easily promise appraisal completion dates to the management and set-up different due-dates for completion of different appraisal activities like self-appraisal, manager appraisal, approvals, appraisal meeting and so on.  These dates would be communicated to the employees as well.

HR team cannot then sit back and relax! Now starts the problem of following-up and ensuring that employees / managers complete these performance appraisal activities on time!  While some employees might voluntarily try and complete the performance appraisals on time, for others it may need a lot of follow-up from HR to make them complete the appraisals on time.

There may be several reasons why the employees/managers don’t complete the appraisals on time.  Some common reasons might be:

1)      Employees might be quite busy or occupied with their work, that they don’t get enough time to complete the performance appraisals.

2)      The performance appraisal process / appraisal forms might be complex that the employees might need help in doing it.

3)      Some employees might be natural procrastinators, and so would be delaying the completion.

Whatever may be the reason for the delay, HR ultimately has to take the responsibility to make sure that all employees complete the performance appraisals on time. One important tool in the hands of HR is to send constant reminders to employees, reminding them of the due date of completion of the performance appraisal.  Sometimes, framing and sending these reminder emails to the relevant people for completion of the performance appraisal might require a lot of efforts from the HR team.

Synergita, a continuous performance management software, has an excellent reminder email feature built into it!  HR can set email templates or content for the reminder mails for different activities.  They can also set up frequency in which these reminder emails have to trigger and also the recipient(s) and sender details.  HR can also configure when and to whom the escalations should happen. (Escalation mails are generally configured to be sent department head /management, in case the employees or managers fail to complete the appraisal after the due date, even after multiple reminders).

Once the reminders are configured in Synergita, HR can now, definitely sit back and relax! The software takes care of sending the reminders to the respective people requesting them to complete the performance appraisals on time! The HR team can use this time to focus on employee development activities.

Please see the screenshots of setting up the reminders for completing the performance appraisal on time:

Our customers like this feature and they find that it reduces the HR time in administering the performance appraisals, significantly.

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