Every employee seeks to grow and climb the ladder of success by contributing to the holistic development of the organization. They measure their growth in terms of finances, skill sets, and stature. Companies, too, have gradually understood the significance of having an effective performance evaluation and appraisal system. Such an assessment helps significantly towards enhancing employee productivity. Thus, it serves as a win-win situation for both employees and the management.
Employee Performance Evaluation and Appraisal – What does it mean?
When an organization evaluates the performance of an employee and helps the employee to grow and overcome his weaknesses, it is called employee performance evaluation and appraisal. Generally, most companies prefer quarterly or annual performance appraisals. This system evaluates the strengths, skills, and gaps so as to determine factors like increments, promotions, etc.
Benefits of having an Effective Performance Evaluation and Appraisal System:
- It helps in defining the goals of the company in a crystal-clear manner.
- It significantly enhances employee productivity and performance.
- An efficient and full-proof performance appraisal system offers real-time and effective feedback to each and every member of the organization.
- It has the capacity to transform the existing workforce into a strategic benefit of the company.
- It also caters to requirements like spotting training and development needs.
- When you have a cutting-edge performance evaluation system, it helps in the seamless aligning of business goals and individual performance.
Need of a cutting-edge Performance Appraisal System
Both employees and the management believe that conventional employee performance evaluation and appraisal systems do not cater to modern requirements. The traditional systems are emphasized on the past performance of the employees. They fail to focus upon future performance and thus seem to be ineffective in present-day scenarios. Thus, the demand for modern-day performance evaluation and appraisal systems is on the rise across the corporate world.
Let us explore the best performance appraisal tactics used by some of the major companies around the world!

Top 6 employee Performance Evaluation and Appraisal Methods that cater to modern-day requirements
1. Assessment Centre Method:
This methodology is quite beneficial for assessing employees in social-related scenarios. Employees participate in different types of situational exercises. These may include activities like role-playing, in-basket exercises, workgroups, and so on. The main focus is to evaluate their abilities and potentials. Managers keep an eye on how the employees fulfil their responsibilities while participating in the situational exercises.
This methodology is quite beneficial in highlighting the personal characteristics of the employees, such as judgment, introversion, ethics, collaboration, adaptability.
Try this technique if you need an effective performance evaluation and appraisal system for service-based companies, consulting firms, manufacturing organizations, and so on.
2. 360-Degree Feedback System:
Annual performance appraisal techniques are no more a preferred option for the majority of companies. There is an increased need for ongoing communication among the employees and managers. 360-degree feedback system serves as the rescuer in such a situation. This methodology offers continuous feedback.
This method brings in multiple raters, who participate in rating a single staff member. These raters should have been involved with the employee for work purposes. There will be an online questionnaire. This methodology is applicable to everyone – peers, managers, suppliers, leaders, and so on.
If you are looking for an effective performance evaluation and appraisal system for the private sector, then this has to be your choice.
3. Incorporating SaaS-based Software:
We are getting tech-savvy with every passing day. From cooking, bathing to managing official works, we rely on technology all the time. It is high time that companies and business enterprises switch to SaaS-based software to lighten their appraisal and evaluation tasks.
These software and tools are high-end, designed to deliver precise and impactful results. There is no room for errors or mistakes. Also, such tools make the task a whole lot easier, secure, and swift.
SaaS-based software can be used by any and every company and business organization. They are super easy to use and offer amazing results. Employee performance evaluation and appraisal have never been so easy before!
4. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale:
Behaviorally anchored rating scale: Generally, this one is the best technique out of all the six. It can easily bring out both quantitative and qualitative advantages. Also known as BARS, the evaluation and appraisal are done on the basis of behavioral examples. It incorporates intangible qualities as well. However, if done manually, it may bring distorted results.
You can use the highly effective system of behaviorally anchored rating scale or BARS irrespective of the size of your business or company.
5. Human Resource (cost) Counting Method:
This methodology is meant for a detailed analysis of employees based on the monetary benefits of the company. The process involves a comparison of employee retention and employee contribution towards the organization.
It includes different factors such as overhead cost, average service value, interpersonal relationships, and so on.
This methodology is ideal for all small-size businesses and start-ups. In such organizations, the performance of even a single employee can be highly impactful for the entire enterprise.
6. Management by Objective:
This one is an all-encompassing employee performance evaluation and appraisal system. Both the employees and managers participate in this appraisal methodology. They plan, organize, strategize and communicate business goals for mutual success. The manager’s job is to identify company goals. He then offers different sets of responsibilities to the employees. The progress made and the status of the project are discussed on a regular basis during touchpoint meetings.
This methodology is suitable for measuring the qualitative and quantitative output of directors, managers, and other similar profiles.
In a nutshell
Employees all across the globe are getting smarter and more aware with every passing day. They are no longer satisfied with the outdated review systems that do not reveal a clear picture. Even HRs and managers seem to be unhappy with the yearly reviews for employee performance. Hence, it is high time that companies and business enterprises switch to these coming-of-age employee performance evaluation and appraisal systems.
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