Information Security Policy Statement
Synergita is a talent management software company providing solutions around employee performance, engagement, and OKR (Objectives and Key Results). Software is delivered as a service from the cloud to customers across the globe.
The Management and all employees of Synergita are committed to an effective Information Security Management System in accordance with its strategic business objectives.
To achieve the above, Synergita shall:
- Establish and implement policies, processes and the right organization structure (Information Security Management System) to protect the information assets of Synergita and its customers from threats, both external as well as internal.
- Continually improve the Information Security Management System by adopting a life cycle approach through the establishment and regular monitoring of measurable security objectives.
- Commit to comply with business, legal, regulatory and contractual security obligations, as may be applicable from time to time.
- Ensure confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information assets of its customers and other stakeholders.
- Develop, implement, test and maintain a Business Continuity Plan.
- Create mechanisms to identify and review the risk and impact of breaches in protected information assets.
- Communicate all pertinent security policies to employees, customers and other interested parties as applicable.
This policy applies to all employees of Synergita and other users of Synergita’s information processing facilities. The management and employees shall ensure that this policy is implemented, communicated, monitored, and maintained at all levels of the organization and regularly reviewed for compliance and continual improvement.