Synergita Sets in Motion its New Feature: Voice to Text Conversion in Continuous Feedback
Synergita Sets in Motion its New Feature: Voice to Text Conversion in Continuous Feedback
"Synergita Sets in Motion its New Feature: Voice to Text Conversion in Continuous Feedback"
Synergita, the cloud based performance management software, has launched a new feature called Voice to Text in its pre-existing modules titled “Continuous Feedback” and “Core Values Rating”. Voice recognition transcribes audio input to text.
Voice recognition technology has gotten a lot famous in companies these days because of its efficient transcription.
One of the most prominent advantages of using the Voice to Text feature in Synergita is its ability of dictation. It is so amazing to notice how you can control your device and provide feedback to your employees just by uttering a few words. Feedback is offered to employees at a faster rate because it produces words as fast as you utter them, faster than your speed when it comes to typing what you want to convey.